03 January 2009

Cherry Hearts

I am not a Valentine's Day fan. Not because it costs me money, but the candy is lame and the candy is important in my liking a holiday. Well, almost all of the candy. Wal-Mart carries Cherry Hearts at Valentine's Day, and they are delicious. They are one of my favorite seasonal holiday candies. But I'm a gummy candy fan and if you're not you will hate them, so purchase at your own caution. The easy rule of thumb for this is if you would buy orange slices, and love fake cherry flavors, buy Cherry Hearts now. If not, then don't. They also make Cinnamon Hearts, and though they are good, Cherry Hearts are better.


Anonymous said...

Conversation hearts all the way. Who doesn't love to eat chalk?

bloggooding said...

What holiday has better candy than valentines day? The holiday is based around candy. ll I have always loved the the hearts with all the difforent kinds of chocolate. ok well mybe easter, but thats not even a real holiday. Whatever, I do what I wa'nt

bloggooding said...

Hey man if you go to metalinjection.net and scroll down the home page they have a link to download a leaked new mastodon song. I didn't like it but the quality kinda sucks so I will give it a chance.

Seanicus said...

Cherry hearts are way better than the chalk heart things. Those are so bad. Goddamn. That Mastodon song is a live version from last years Bonnaroo festival. They played two other songs then too. Have you heard the new Lamb of God song? That rips. The Roadrunner UK site has it up for download.

Seanicus said...

For all three of the Mastodon songs from Bonnaroo: