17 November 2008

20 Eyes in My Head

Well, when I came out to my truck on Friday I noticed that someone had molested my passenger door. I'm sure that it looked like good fun, seeing that I park in no man's land, for away from ignorant drivers/vehicle exiters, and that seems like the perfect place for hit and run. Anyways, the door was attacked and no information was left on Beast (yes I named my truck Beast). So today when I was heading to Wal-Greens to not get helped, I was stopped in the parking lot by some stranger. This stranger informed me that her mother had attacked Beast AND that they even filed a police report, which I had failed to do as I was late getting to El Dog on Friday and didn't think that even making one would help. I mean, who calls the police and tells on themselves? Apparently, that lady. So, I'm getting my door fixed. Fan-fucking-tastic.

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